Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trees and Storms

AgriLife Extension - Texas A&M System
"Be Tree Wise.  Protect Life and Limbs."

Adjoining Landowners
"Whether the tree is causing damage or not, if its branches extend beyond your property line, your neighbor has the right to trim your tree to the property line.  Landownership rights extend indefinitely upward and down and those rights are protected from invasion by an adjoining landowner to the same extent as surface rights.  In trimming the tree, your neighbor is not allowed to unduly harm your tree, however."

Tree Owner’s Responsibility
"Tree owners in urban areas have a duty to inspect each and every tree on the premises to determine hazard trees and have them removed."

Hurricane Preparedness

Tropical Weather Outlook - NOAA / National Hurricane Center

Harris County:

Harris County Flood Control District:
Hurricane Guide (pdf) (very educational)

NOAA / National Weather Service:

Texas Department of Public Safety on hurricane preparedness

National Safety Council on hurricane preparedness

Houston Public Library provides links to hurricane preparedness

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bridgewater HOA Board Meeting Monday, July 22

Bridgewater HOA Board Meeting Monday, July 22 at 7:00 pm
Agenda may be obtained via the HOA's "Contact Us" page of their site.
Members of the Bridgewater Community Group discussion group have already been provided the agenda by the group owner/moderator.

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This site (, this post, and this group are not affiliated with any HOA, the MUD, or any other entity.  Please advise if any information is incorrect or add any information for clarification.  Thank you. 
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